You might be very familiar with me as Marvia Providence the Evangelist, the gospel artist, the Prophetess and Pastor.
Yes, l operate in all offices. However, you may not be acquainted with Marvia Providence the Life Coach, an office that l am passionate about and find extremely rewarding.
Offering my services as a life coach, l take very seriously as l do with all of my titles. I have a deep passion to see people reach their full potential and beyond. I believe the time has come for Marvia Providence Life Coaching to be launched on a greater level. Of late l have constantly been inundated with messages from people all over the world, Canada, USA, UK, Bahamas, St.Vincent, Bermuda, Barbados and that's just to name a few. Folks have become desperately overwhelmed with many different circumstances especially in the last nearly 2 years in the event of a worldwide pandemic.
For many, situations have dramatically changed without warning and unfortunately are facing challenges that can be life-changing. Life coaching has found its marks in the world and l am delighted to be a life coach to many of my clients. When has life ever been easy all of the time for any of us?
During the pandemic l have become even more motivated to coach many into their destiny. I consider myself blessed and honoured to be a part of so many people's journeys.
Question; Are you willing to be open and honest with me? What is it that you want to accomplish? Are you committed to making changes? If you have answered yes to all 3, then my life coaching skills can accommodate you well!

I came across Marvia Providence Life Coaching a few years ago. It has been a journey of removing layers and focusing on my issues that l've ignored and pushed under the carpet. Marvia Providence helped me to tear down walls she pulled out of me what was buried and guided me to resurrect self confidence and self belief. I have embraced her coaching and the results have been impeccable and undeniably powerful in my life. I recommend her Life Coaching to anyone who is ready to make serious life or personal changes. Her model is very impactful if you follow her program and stay in the process you will not be disappointed in the the progresses you'll achieve.
My life has never been the same since signing up to Marvia Providence Life Coaching. Not only is she gifted in life coaching but implements her coaching with passion. You don't alway get that passion in all life coaches.
Nothing is impossible if you are ready for change!
I give high recommendation to this Life Coaching program so why wait?
Make the change today!
Marvia is one of the most encouraging, non-judgmental, compassionate and down-to-earth people I know. Her coaching skills come naturally, along with her love and desire to help others.
She is a people person and can easily make you feel comfortable and relaxed around her. Marvia listened intently, asked specific questions (no assumptions made) so we were both on the same page, then provided the right solution/advice to my situation.
Her advice at times will come with assignments. I guarantee you that once you do your part, you will see positive changes to your situation.
Marvia Providence is client focused and solution driven. So whatever the topic is, share it.... you won't regret it.... real, solid and practical advice is waiting for you.
Thank you Marvia, keep on being you!!
Coming across some gloomy times with other Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has surely helped me to recognize Life Coach, Minister Marvia Providence as Authentic. I was in a dark timid place, surrounded by false prosecution when I met Marvia Providence, my Life Coach. I can surely testify that God has used her to turn my life around. I praise God for her life and her relentless desire to be used by God to heal people, including myself, and mend broken hearts. Without a doubt, I recommend this no nonsense Life Coach to anyone, with high expectation that they will be propelled into the destiny God has for them.
I believe that an effective Life Coach carefully helps one to strategize in the face of obstacles that stand in the way of identifying and realizing their goals, thereby helping them to reach their fullest potential.
God has used Marvia Providence to do that and more in my life! Over the years of knowing this authentic woman of God, and being under her patient tutelage, she has helped me to stay true to the purpose for which I have been created. She has seen strengths in me that I never knew I possessed and continues to help me harness my gifts and abilities to serve my God, my family, and my community. Whenever I am unsure about, or challenged with an issue,I can count on Marvia Providence’s professional and personal value system which guides her successful practice. She is dependable, sincere, and highly confidential; she holds herself and those she serves accountable to deligently follow through with their identified goals; her motto is “Never Give Up!” Most importantly, she avails herself to hear from God, and is keen on responding to verbal and non verbal communication- what we’re saying, and not saying, that is equally important to a successful outcome. Her intuition has oftentimes “saved the day”!
Marvia Providence is definitely a lifelong Life Coach!
Marvia Providence Life coaching has been a blessing in my personal life. When l was low in spirit I cried Lord lift me high I want to go higher in thee for the Lord knows I can't stay on the mountain so he picked out a valley for me. I've been so low in my spirit that I was searching and searching for help. I knew I needed help and one day I came across this woman of God on Facebook. At the time she doing a series on midnight cry. For many midnights I was up crying but with her help l was able to make it through another day!
I then personally reached out to her. I was consistently in her inbox seeking for help. I knew there was something very different and special about Marvia Providence Life Coaching. I am grateful to God that l came across her indeed. There was points in my life that l was afraid of my own shadow. I was afraid to speak to my own self but as I was coached by Marvia Providence God used her to guide me. My God it's amazing, I recommend her if you need spiritual help that will transform your life. I recommend you get signed up to Marvia Providence Life Coaching now. Since I connected to her 2 years my life has changed for the better I can speak without being afraid and my walk with Christ has never been the same. I had a issues with fornication now I tell my body no you can't have that. Her life coaching skills has had a tremendous impact on my life.